Page 4 - ICWA Newsletter English April-June 2021
P. 4

INDIAN COUNCIL                       SAPRU HOUSE
                              OF WORLD AFFAIRS

                           During the discussion, it was       on the other, indicates the power
                           mentioned that the book written     struggle amongst the ruling elites.
                           in Hindi is an asset as it attempts   The book systematically looks into
                           to fill a gap in the availability of   three aspects of the constitutional
                           literature on an important theme.   process in the country: conflict
                           The book provides the theoretical   between different set of values and
                           framework and historical            norms (tussle between feudalist/
                           background of Nepal in terms        authoritarian and democratic
                           of polity, society and economy.     forces); the power-struggle between
                           It also throws light on political   different political and social
                           conditions, evolution and demise    forces; and the role of India in the
                           of all constitutions until 2015. A   constitutional process, perceptions and preferences
                           total of seven constitutions were   of Nepalese political forces towards India and
                           made between 1948 and 2015. This    vice versa. For India, political priority has been to
                           repeated change in constitutions    support the democratic forces in the constitutional
                           implies, on one hand, that people’s   process. The discussion took note of recent political
                           aspirations have not been met and,   developments in Nepal.

            Online Book Launch and Discussion on
            'Status of European Integration: Possible Trajectory'
            by Prof. Purusottam Bhattacharya
            09 April 2021

                 The ICWA organised a Book Launch &            existential crisis? How will it respond to changes?
            ADiscussion on its latest publication ‘Status      The author has done a stocktaking of what has been
            of European Integration Possible Trajectory” by    achieved by assessing the success of the European
            the late Prof. Purusottam Bhattacharya (ICWA;      project, how it has welcomed newer Member States,
            Macmillan) on April 9, 2021. The session was chaired   expanded its boundaries of integration. He also
            by Krishnan Srinivasan, Former Foreign Secretary   takes a critical look at integration, ups and downs,
            of India. The book was presented by Dr. Ankita     compromises while assessing the major challenges
            Dutta, Research Fellow ICWA due to the unfortunate   faced by the EU, namely Brexit, transnational v/s
            demise of the author in March 2020. The panelists   national identity, sovereign debt
            were Prof. Anindya Jyoti Majumdar, Department      crisis, migration, climate change.
            of International Relations, Jadavpur University,   It was discussed how for India,
            Kolkata, Prof. Shibashish Chatterjee, Professor,   the EU is both a challenge and an
            Department of International Relations and          opportunity. Problems within the
            Governance Studies, Shiv Nadar University, Noida   EU are growing as it faces resistance
                            and Prof. Gulshan Sachdeva,        from migrants, difficulties passing
                            Centre for European Studies,       budget, mismanagement of Brexit,
                            Jawaharlal Nehru University.       etc. India-EU ties have grown and
                                                               this relationship has gone beyond
                            During the discussion, it was      economic issues. This makes a
                            pointed out that the book provides   fine understanding of EU politics
                            an overview of where European      necessary, which the book facilitates.
                            integration currently stands and   It was mentioned that the book is
                            attempts to answer some of the     not a product of the last 2-3 years of
                            fundamental questions of the       the author’s research but a lifetime of
                            time—does the EU suffer from an    his work on Europe.

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