Excellencies, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Distinguished Experts and Students!
The textbook definition of International Order is a set of rules, institutions and norms that govern the interaction between States in the modern international system. To my mind, however, it is the objectives and goals of an International Order that should more clearly define what constitutes an International Order.
The objectives of a human-centric International Order are:
Effective governance at global, regional, national and local levels facilitates the meeting of these objectives. Multilateralism assists this endeavor at the global and regional levels.
3. The liberal international order that has emerged and evolved over the last few centuries is in crisis today. The world today is in turmoil. A deeply polarizing spirit of competition and hate has made its way across all realms globally from inter-country relations to international economy, from technology to inter-faith interface. There are broken inter-dependencies. Disrupted supply chains are but an example. Multi-culturalism has been seriously challenged. Defense expenditures are increasing - Look at Europe!There is increased nuclear rhetoric, disturbing the existing nuclear order. We are seeing soft borders somewhere and artificial borders elsewhere. There is a rethink about free markets. Unfettered markets have not led to efficiencies and enhanced welfare. There is an absence of working welfare systems especially in the Global South. The jury is still out on multi-stakeholderism in governance.
4. While the crisis of the liberal international order has been in the making for some time – the 2008 international financial crisis being a watershed, the current conflicts of the world in Ukraine and Gaza and the growing tensions in the Indo-Pacific have markedly brought to the fore its weaknesses. While fervent efforts continue to be made on dialogue and diplomacy, the world seems to be going down the path of war. Cooperation is a fundamental tenet of international relations and that is being severely impacted adversely. Divisions are becoming acute.
5. So, as the world embarks on constructing a New World Order amidst the current unparalleled geopolitical tumult, what are the solutions that come to mind?
6. I am sure the Panel will come up with many such interesting suggestions and observations. I look forward to a thought provoking and engaging discussion. I wish the panelists all the best.